The Reverend Billy Graham on Hypnosis

The Reverend Billy Graham on Hypnosis

The Reverend Billy Graham when asked his thoughts on hypnosis stated that hypnosis was neither good nor bad. Like most tools it depends on how it is used. The Pope in 1956, the British Medical Society in 1957 and the American Medical Association in 1958 endorsed hypnosis as a complementary tool in health care. Even with those endorsements many in our educated society (and some are physicians) still misunderstand and fear the natural nature of hypnosis. Linking it with hocus-pocus, witchcraft and even mind control.

Would you be surprised if I told you that we all naturally go into hypnosis many times each day. The simple act of driving to work and not remembering stopping at red lights or stop signs is a hypnotic state. It is in that day dreamy time that hypnosis occurs. Our thoughts during that hypnotic state truly shape our lives.

In the 1950s, the Reverend Norman Vincent Peale wrote the greatest inspirational bestseller of his time. Over 3 million copies of his book The Power of Positive Thinking were put into print. In it he said that, “In formulating this simple philosophy of life I found my own answers in the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

He wrote his book to help you release your inner powers. The Power of Positive Thinking shows:

× How faith in yourself makes good things happen to you

× How to break the worry habit

× How to get other people to like you

× How to energize your life to give yourself the vitality and initiative needed to carry out your ambitions and hopes

× How to avoid the jitters in your daily work

× How to believe in yourself and in everything you do

× How to live a controlled relaxed life no matter how fast the pace may be

× How to build new power and determination to a simple formula that really works

× How to develop the power to reach your goals.

× How to think the k

Paul Harvey would say, “Now for the rest of the story.” Because of his book the board of deacons, in their ignorance, requested that Norman Vincent Peale, the pastor of the largest protestant church in New York City resign his position.. Why? Because The Power of Positive Thinking is a book describing the use of self-hypnosis. Dr Peale did not resign. He was supported by the membership, which overruled the board of deacons. They understood that he wrote The Power of Positive Thinking out of a sincere desire to help them and you.

The Power of Positive Thinking was followed by Dynamic Imaging the powerful way to change your life. Daydreaming, creative visualization, guided imagery, and hypnosis are basically the same mindfulness states that allow us to change our lives for better or worse. It depends on whether we think positive thoughts and create positive outcomes or think negative thoughts and create negative outcomes. Worry is an example of a negative hypnotic thought. So if you want healthy changes in your life have Healthy Visions.

World Hypnotism Day January 4, 2006.